To continue keeping the students connected to the digital world I incorporated another ISTE standard in the lesson plans: 1d- Empowered Learner. The standard mentions student understands the fundamental concepts of technology operations demonstrate the ability to choose, use and troubleshoot current technologies and are able to transfer their knowledge to explore emerging technologies.
This standard corresponds with SCCCR Mathematical Process Standard K.NS.2- Count forward by ones beginning from any number less than 100.
Student(s) will work with an interactive Number Bubble Count. Student will have to use the correct operations to pop the bubble. The number will drop out of bubble into the correct location if deployed correctly. Student will have to troubleshoot (change their approach) to surpass to the next level. This activity will allow the student to gain awareness of the numbers 1-100. Accomplishing this, student(s) will increase number recognition and number relationship while being actively engaged using digital technology.
You can see a sample lesson which I posted on the page labeled: Empowered Learner
You can see a sample lesson which I posted on the page labeled: Empowered Learner
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