ISTE 6d Creative Communicator

ISTE Standard-Creative Communicator

Standard: 6d

The ISTE standard for these lesson is 6- Creative Communicator d.  This standard states students publish or present content that customizes the message and medium for their intended audiences.

I compiled the lesson to meet South Carolina ELA standard WL 4.1 for Kindergarten along with the ISTE Standard.  The SC Standard states: Student demonstrates command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.  With guidance and support, use nouns   Once the students complete the lesson it will strengthen their awareness to recognize and how to use nouns when writing. The student had to use technology to compose sentences using at least three nouns.  Then they had to draw a picture of what the sentences were about using an app on an iPad.  Once they complete the project they will present it to the class.

See my page labeled Creative Communicator to see a sample project.


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