Now moving on to another ISTE Standard #2 the Digital Citizen.

The ISTE standard for these lesson is #2- Digital Citizen section b.  This standard engages the students in positive, safe, legal and ethical behavior when using technology, including social interactions online or when using network devices.  It is a technological world and students need to understand there are guidelines in which they should follow to keep their equipment and information safe.  Like all things in life students need to be educated on how to perform while using technology.  I took my audience into consideration when I compile this lesson on Global Citizen. 

I compiled the lesson to meet South Carolina ELK standard RLMC.8.1d for Kindergarten to go along with the ISTE Standard.  The SC Standard states:  Analyze characters, setting, events, and ideas as the develop and interact within a particular context-identify the problem and solution.  Once the students complete the lesson it will strengthen their awareness to recognize the rights, responsibilities and opportunities of living, learning  and working in an interconnected digital world.  The student will gain knowledge to act and model his/he action in a safe, legal and ethical way.


You can see a sample lesson which I posted on the page labeled: Digital Citzen


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